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How to Keep Heat Flowing From a Wood Stove
Things to think about before installing your wood stove: The best way to circulate heat from a wood stove is to bear this in mind during installation. While the appliance is being installed, there are a few things that can be done to help circulate the heat more efficiently. If you have central heating, you can place the wood stove near a return air duct. Return ducts can pull heat from the stove into the furnace and distribute it throughout the house. There are also thermostats that allow the HVAC blower to turn on at predetermined intervals. This allows the fan to circulate heat throughout your home without having to run continuously.Another thing to think about before installing your wood stove is getting a dedicated air circulation system for the stove, which pulls air from the room's ceiling and moves it throughout the house. This can be easily accomplished with separate ductwork in the attic and an inline duct fan. If the room where your wood stove is located does not have a ceiling fan, installing one is a relatively simple way to keep the heat moving throughout the room rather than remaining stagnant at the ceiling level. Adding a stove blower to push heat away from your stove and around the room is a less labor-intensive option.
Things to consider if your wood stove is already installed: Once your wood stove is installed, you may not be able to adjust the HVAC. So there are a few things you can do to help circulate the heat. To begin, leave all of the doors to your home's rooms open. When you close doors, you keep heat from spreading throughout your home. Many wood stoves have the capacity to heat thousands of square feet. However, they will heat significantly less space if there are obstacles in the way that prevent the heat from spreading. It is also critical to use properly dried wood. Finally, you can put in doorway fans. A doorway fan, like a fireplace blower, circulates heat throughout your home. A fireplace blower pushes heat from the area around the stove, whereas a doorway fan draws heat away from the ceiling and out of the hallway.
We hope that this article has provided you with new ways to keep heat flowing throughout your house this upcoming Winter.